Language is acquired through various media. The teacher is supposed to be the transmitter, the regulator, the designer and supervisor as well.
How to make language accessible and in the minimum amount of time?
'A picture is worth a thousand words'; it's time and effort saving, and it allows all the learners to take profit equitably and without feeling offended.
A visual aid can be whether a picture, the board, simple drawings, flashcards, charts...etc. of course, in some schools, more sophisticated visuals are provided such as the data-show making goals far easier to reach, but it's fairer to talk about 'our visuals', visuals that all can afford.
Realia, simulation, gestures are all 'means' that no teacher can side-step since language has ‘multi-fold’ functions working all together to shape what is supposed to be 'correct language'.
I do believe that ‘drama’ is one of the best ways of language teaching in that it makes meaning closer and clearer in addition to the relaxing atmosphere which the teacher provides, making the students learn by stealth.
Visuals can also depend on the creativity of the teacher and his/her will to do better.
We can feel to have some potential to do many things but what is worth doing is to exchange ideas, trying to have a look on what the others do and how they would perceive things.
As far as I’m concerned, the visuals I keep using are restricted to pictures, charts, maps, flashcards, books and simulated dialogues (audio-visual to some extent).
I really wish to improve! What do you suggest?